Shore Junction Logo

Lets collaborate and mahi together for our Rangatahi!

Shore Junction can host your programmes or sessions, or even be a place for youth work placements and practice.

We facilitate the North Shore Youth Workers Network which hosts quarterly hui aimed at various topics to encourage networking and development within the youth sector.

Contact if you want to get involved!

Elements that make our space!


Every corner and crevasse of the building is treated as a piece of the wider puzzle. No matter where you are or what you are doing, you will always feel a part of the community and larger space.


The space changes as you change. It is flexible and can accommodate new features and functions. We want to continue to create value for you even as your passions and interests evolve.


Expect to be amazed. The space is fun and exciting. It has captured the creativity and imagination of many before and will do the same for you. We want you to feel like a true pioneer.

Learn more about us!